In the fourth wave of this study, Market in View investigated the reasons why customers did or did not use a setup application that came preloaded on various devices. Analysis included why some consumers used the application and others did not, consumer likes and dislikes, and the reasons leading a person to abandon use after starting the set-up application. An understanding of awareness and improvements for this application were gained.
service: | Quantitative |
completion date: | January 2016
the approach: | Market in View evaluated numerous attributes surrounding consumer attitudes toward this setup application. Four different devices were analyzed providing various user experiences. By studying application users, non-users, and failed users on each device type, a clear understanding of the pros and cons for this application were revealed. Analysis defined the specific motivations and barriers to use for this application. Profiles for these customers were developed to aid in promoting benefits of using this application. |
the results: | With each wave of analysis, Market in View has provided improvement recommendations based on the three classes of users and their success or frustration with this setup related application. |