
We provide primary research, analysis, and actionable recommendations for companies regarding their products, services, processes, and competition.
- Consumer Demand Identification
Market-driven identification of consumer demand
Examples: Beauty Aids, Healthcare Products, Cell Phone Push to Talk, Location-based Services, Improved cell phone ruggedness, ease of use, style, and colors
- Product, Feature, and Technology Sell-in
Proven track record of using business and consumer motivations to gain partner acceptance and support of new products and features
Examples: Weight Loss Foods, Mobile Internet, Bluetooth, Cameras built-in to cell phones, Location determining technologies
- Technology Development
Use of market trends and strategic planning to provide market input into core technology development
Examples: Phase IV Clinical Trials, Skin Care Products, Picture Messaging, 3G wireless technology, mobile JAVA
Principal Services
- Market Opportunity Analysis
Generating an accurate picture of market demand and identifying the key market segments to target
- Concept and Product Testing
Understanding consumer drivers, likes, dislikes, and intent towards new products and services to assess commercial viability, identify key strengths, and flag risk areas
• Purchase Behavior – realizing key consumer purchase drivers in the purchase process
• Needs Gap Analysis – identification of market needs and development of product concepts
- Consumer, Market, and Technology Trends
Tracking evolving opportunities with regard to size, key drivers, and growth potential
- Total Value Chain Analysis
Improving products and process development through examination of all stakeholders; creating buy-in of employees, executive management, partners, and customers
- Technology Commercialization Support
Guiding cutting edge technologies from the lab, through development, to real market and business success