Pittsburgh: Parents and teens for discussion on quick meals
We are seeking parents (24 to 54 years old) and their son/daughter (13 to 17 years old) to participate in a study that would take place in your home with you, your teen(s) and two to three of his/her friends to learn more about your usage and thoughts about convenience meals. In addition to a group discussion with your teen(s) and his/her friends, we are also hoping to come to your home for one hour and talk with you regarding food for your family.
The discussion(s) will take place in your home with you, your teen(s) and two to three of his/her friends on February 25th or February 26th.
IF you qualify and as a token of our appreciation, you would receive $250 for having the small group discussion in your home with your teen(s) and his/her friends and the one hour in-depth discussion.
Your teen(s) and his /her friends would each receive $125 for their time and participation at the conclusion of the small group discussion.
If you are interested in participating, please click on the link below and complete the survey to see if you qualify. If you are unable to click the link, please copy/paste the link into a new window in your browser. Forward to this to your friends as well. Thank you!
For more information about us, visit our website at https://www.marketinview.com.