This online research study was conducted to understand customers’ perceptions of a printed magazine. Market in View was challenged with determining the impact the periodical has on customer’s opinion of the company which publishes the magazine, understanding the level of awareness and likelihood to read, and confirming perceptions of the printed material. This very large quantitative study encompassed data from a national control group and respondents in five major metropolitan markets. Quotas on subgroups within each market were imposed to insure the respondent mix met the client’s direction. Insights gained detailed how customers thought of the periodical, how this impacted their opinion of the company, their reasons for reading or not, the articles they found most interesting, and what actions were taken as a result of reading the media.
service: | Quantitative |
completion date: | September 2013 |
the approach: | A total of 20,000 quantitative, Internet-based interviews were conducted among customers in multiple markets who met certain parameters and received the magazine via US mail. Market in View evaluated numerous attributes surrounding the decision to read or not read the material and what impact that decision had on their impression of the communications effort and overall satisfaction with the company. |
the results: | By capturing and measuring the opinions and perceptions of the customers receiving this printed media and the ability to compare results to a control group, those not receiving the publication, insights were gained on the value of the magazine. Market in View determined the positive impact the publication has on customers and identified specific content strengths and weakness of the material. Feedback concerning whether the content is informative, interesting and well-designed will aid improvement efforts for future editions. |